Goodreads Summer Reading Challenge hosted by The Wordaholics

Hey everyone! It's been a long time since we've been here writing a post for you, but what better way to make a come back than hosting a Summer Reading Challenge for all of you! First of all, we want to make it very clear that this Summer Reading Challenge is mainly curated by Goodreads for you and we're just hosting it on our blog so that we can enjoy it along with you all. All in all, we're really excited to be doing this and hope your excitement level is as high as ours! Second of all, we want you all to enjoy doing this challenge with us. Doing this challenge may help you out of your reading slumps (if you are in one), or get you back on track to your reading habits, or even help you in re-visiting your long-lost or almost-forgotten books. This challenge will surely make you go digging through your shelves looking for that perfect book for the week's topic! It's a perfect opportunity to reconnect with those books you haven't seen in a whi...