Beach Read by Emily Henry- An Honest Review! (And Life Update)

Hi everyone! I'm really sorry for being MIA for a long time, but I'm back! Life Update: I have recently read a lot of books and now I'm here to provide some reviews so that you all will be able to decide your next read carefully. Also, I bought a new Kindle Oasis which I'm in love with. Life has surely been very tough for the past few months, for not only me but for the majority of us, and all credits go to the infamous CORONA VIRUS. Also, I hope each and every one of you have been keeping safe during these hard times. I have been living alone for the past few months and trying to get by. My social life seems to have hit a new low since I started working from home. But it has also given me extra time to read and do all the things I love. Its technically making lemonade out of the lemons life has given us. Now getting back to the main topic- without further ado, here is a brief review of "Beach Read" by Emily Henry. Blurb: A roma...