- The Mortal Instruments- City of Ashes (Cassandra Clare)

Love and power are the deadliest temptations.
Haunted by her past, Clary is dragged
deeper into New York City's terrifying
underworld of demons and Shadowhunters - but can
she control her feelings for a boy who can never be hers?
Thoughts: The tension in the book is so great that you feel like the characters are literally going to break from the strain. Clary's mother is still in a coma and her relationships with Simon and Jace are fragile. It's ever changing who is my favorite. I'll be thinking Isabelle is my favorite wait...no Max he's really cute but....Luke is great...then again Simon is just so painfully loyal , so I still don't have a clear favorite. I think it's because each and everyone of the characters have their own great scenes, so it's close to impossible to choose.
Jace is growing on me and Valentine is definitely getting more evil. One thing that kind of bothered me was that Valentine doesn't seem too clever. He hasn't done anything like WOW I didn't see that coming. He is suppose to be overthrowing the whole Clave, so he's got to be ultra smart right?
I definitely thought the second one was better than the first. New characters, more knowledge, and closer to seeing how this is all going to turn out. I did read the starting of City of Glass, but I am yet to read the whole thing.
My rating:
- Heroes of Olympus- The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan)
When Jason, Piper and Leo crash land at Camp Half-Blood, t
When Jason, Piper and Leo crash land at Camp Half-Blood, t
hey have no idea what to expect. Apparently this is the only
safe place for children of the Greek Gods - despite the monsters
roaming the woods and demigods practising archery with
flaming arrows and explosives. But rumours of a terrible curse -
and a missing hero - are flying around camp. It seems Jason,
Piper and Leo are the chosen ones to embark on a terrifying
new quest, which they must complete by the winter solstice.
In just four days time. Can the trio succeed on this deadly mission -
and what must they sacrifice in order to survive?
-Goodreads blurb
Thoughts: Where's my Percy??? I really felt Percy Depravity Disorder in this one!
Even though there wasn't any Percy, thank the gods for LEO VALDEZ!! I was definitely feeling this book! There's so many new things with this new series, I loved the new Roman aspect it has to it, though a little less than Greek.
I loved the new characters and the new ideas within the plot! It didn't take me long to get attached to the new trio and I'm looking forward to going on more adventures with them in the future!
It was also really nice to see old characters and references to the Percy Jackson series, they were brought in nicely and worked really well!
My rating:
- Heroes of Olympus- The Son of Neptune (Rick Riordan)
Thoughts: This book follows the remaining four Demigods of the prophecy. Percy (who obviously returns in this book, hence the title), Annabeth, Hazel and Frank. Hael and Frank are the new characters introduced in this part and they both have great roles to play. They both have their own skeletons from the past which unravels later in the series.
Neptune is Poseidon's Roman equivalent. We get to know where Percy had been all this time. This book started off slow but then picked it's pace moving further.
This was my least favorite of the Percy Jackson books so far. I think that the story is definitely heading in an interesting direction, but I just wasn't feeling it in this one (probably because no Leo Valdez?). I didn't care as much about the Roman camp and their mythology as much as the Greek. I'm not saying that it was bad, I loved Percy and his sass and all of the jokes, just not my favorite compared to the previous books, but it was definitely needed to move the story in the right direction.
My rating:
- Heroes of Olympus- The Mark of Athena (Rick Riordan)
Thoughts: Where the previous books in the series have been funny, action packed and adventurous, The Mark of Athena does it infinitely better. This book has it all: character and relationship development, and action packed plot. Basically, this book was the bomb. The book picks up from where we were at The Son of Neptune . We finally,finally get to see Percybeth reunited(!!!). However, the reunion is cut short and after the mishaps, our heroes begin the quest.
This books has been told from four alternative perspectives (Percy, Annabeth, Piper and Leo- Camp Half-Blood people). We also get to see some very sweet Percabeth moments!
If you thought that the last two books were serious, then this one will blow you mind. The character development in this book was gold. Jason, who I've never really liked, gained my respect. Percy, who we think we know, we see from different angels that give us more understanding of him as a character.Despite all these good characters, Annabeth stole the show. She has always been brave and intelligent but in this book she really demonstrates just how brave and intelligent she is. Basically, if you didn't like certain characters before hand, you at the very least respect them by the end.
And at last...WHAT KIND OF AN ENDING WAS THAT, HUH? WHERE WAS THE HAPPY ENDING? Oh my God... I can't say anymore!! I've said enough. THAT CLIFFHANGER THOUGH!!!
I'm already reading through the next book in the series, The House of Hades, and I'll be posting a review for that soon.
My rating:
- Forbidden (Tabitha Suzuma)

She is pretty and talented - sweet sixteen
and never been kissed. He is seventeen; gorgeous
and on the brink of a bright future. And now they
have fallen in love. But... they are brother and sister.
Thoughts: I don't need to post my thoughts about this book here as I've already ranted on and on, on my deeply detailed review here at http://thewordaholics.blogspot.in/2016/07/forbidden-by-tabitha-suzuma.html . This book was such a meaningful yet disturbed read that it stayed on my mind for a long time after I read it. The author did a great work on this one.
My rating:
This concludes my June wrap up. I'll soon be uploading a blog with my July TBRs!
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