Irina's Eye (Oko d'Irina) by H.W. Freedman- Quest for enlightment

Click here to purchase a copy from Amazon Book: Irina's Eye Author: H.W. Freedman Published by: H.W. Freedman Pages: 190 Genre: Historical Fiction Rating: 3.75/5 Stars Recommend: Yes " We consist of two parts: essence and personality. Your essence is what you received through heredity before the formation of personality, your character, your nature, it doesn't change, it is what is your own but it can develop with the help of your mind. Your personality is an accumulation of what of what you have learned from others. " Snapshot: The story sets in the time 1948, the Bohemian border with Bavaria, West Germany. "It was Germany after all and all he remembered when the Nazis had come to his town. He was 9-years old." Vaclav and Irina decided to flee together to start a peaceful life somewhere far. They were both 15 when they decided to execute their plan. When they flee from behind the Iron Curtain, Irina was shot in th...