Irina's Eye (Oko d'Irina) by H.W. Freedman- Quest for enlightment

Book: Irina's Eye
Author: H.W. Freedman
Published by: H.W. Freedman
Pages: 190
Genre: Historical Fiction
Rating: 3.75/5 Stars
Recommend: Yes
" We consist of two parts: essence and personality. Your essence is what you received through heredity before the formation of personality, your character, your nature, it doesn't change, it is what is your own but it can develop with the help of your mind. Your personality is an accumulation of what of what you have learned from others. "
The story sets in the time 1948, the Bohemian border with Bavaria, West Germany. "It was Germany after all and all he remembered when the Nazis had come to his town. He was 9-years old." Vaclav and Irina decided to flee together to start a peaceful life somewhere far. They were both 15 when they decided to execute their plan. When they flee from behind the Iron Curtain, Irina was shot in the back and she falls on the grounds. It was devastating for Valcav to see Irina in that position and in that moment, Irina commanded him to "Go!". Leaving behind her, Vaclav reached West Germany and his life took a new turn.The story shows how Vaclav travels to Rome and then New York to get freedom from the guilt that torments him for his soulmate Irina's fate and to achieve his quest for enlightenment.
"He should have known. If only he had trusted his intuition. That was the problem, telling the difference between intuition and fear, and he was not about to give into fear. There was no time; they had to flee and it had to be at that moment or they might never have another opportunity. "
What I find most intriguing is that the title did the justice with the book. From the starting, I know the actual story behind the title and it was beautifully explained which helped me to understand the true intent of the story. The world set up in the book was at the time when the Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia (1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état), it made the book so enticing and I enjoyed reading it and getting to know more about the history of Germany.
The story is divided into two parts (chapter-wise), the first one shows how Valcav is trying to flee from the base camp in West Germany and travels to Rome and then New York. The other part shows his life in New York in 1966.
Character Development:
A 15-year-old boy flees from his State, trying to survive in the base camp and the hurdles he crossed to get to the safe land. What's the most interesting part was to see how these things affected his behavior which was clearly reflected in the choices he made and his relationship(s) with the people.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend to everyone.
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Twitter: The Wordaholics
Goodreads: Anushka
Disclaimer: I received this book from H.W. Freedman for an honest review. I would like to thank the author for this book.
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